本篇文章给大家谈谈fukuda,以及Fukuda水平仪对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、为什么深田恭子和日本首相福田康夫的名字...
深田是 fukada 因为日语里 深 这个汉字发音是fuka
福田是fukuda 福 的发音是fuku
KIYOMU FUKUDA 直译的话,应该是福田清美,是火影里的路人甲。LZ看的也真仔细。
Yasuo Fukuda (福田康夫 Fukuda Yasuo, born July 16, 1936) is a Japanese politician. He was the longest-serving Chief Cabinet Secretary in Japanese history, serving for 3 and half years (1,289 days) under Prime Ministers Yoshiro Mori and Junichiro Koizumi.[1] He was one of the leading contenders, along with former Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, to replace Koizumi in September 2006. Fukuda dropped out of the race on July 21, 2006, but is now one of the leading contenders to replace Abe, after his sudden resignation on September 12, 2007.
Early life
He was born in Takasaki, Gunma, the eldest son of politician (later Prime Minister) Takeo Fukuda.[1] He attended Azabu High School and graduated from Waseda University in 1959.
After university, he joined Maruzen Petroleum (now part of the Cosmo Oil Company). He was only minimally involved in politics over the next seventeen years, working his way up to section chief as a typical Japanese "salaryman." He was posted to the United States from 1962 to 1964.
While his father Takeo Fukuda was prime minister from 1976 to 1978, Yasuo became a political secretary. From 1978 to 1989, he was a director of the Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, serving as a trustee from 1986 onward.
Political career
Fukuda ran for the House of Representatives in 1990 and won a seat.[1] He was elected deputy director of the Liberal Democratic Party in 1997 and became Chief Cabinet Secretary to Yoshiro Mori in October of 2000. He resigned his position as Chief Cabinet Secretary on May 7, 2004 amid a large political scandal related to the Japanese pension system. He remains a representative in the Lower House.
Fukuda was considered a contender for the leadership of the LDP in 2006, but on July 21 he decided that he would not seek the nomination. Instead, Shinzo Abe succeeded Junichiro Koizumi as leader of the LDP and Prime Minister of Japan.
One of his most noted policy goals is to end prime ministerial visits to Yasukuni Shrine. In June 2006, Fukuda joined 134 other lawmakers in proposing a secular alternative to the shrine, citing constitutional concerns.[3]
Following Abe's resignation in September 2007, Fukuda announced that he would run in the LDP leadership election. If successful, it is certain that he will become the next Prime Minister, due to the majority LDP holds in the Lower House of the Diet. He has received a great deal of support in his bid for the party leadership, including that of the LDP's largest faction, led by Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura, of which Fukuda is a member.[1][2] Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga, who initially had intended to run for the leadership, has also backed Fukuda.[4] Tarō Asō is considered Fukuda's main competitor for the leadership.[1]
Fukuda is strongly favored to win the election, to be held on September 23, with even Asō publicly acknowledging the likelihood of his victory.[5]
名字:福田吉兆 Kicchou Fukuda(福田 吉兆(ふくだ きっちょう) 声优:石川英郎号码:13号位置:大前锋身高:188cm 体重:80kg年级:二年级绰号:臭阿福(樱木叫的) 在过去他只能在外面的篮球场练习,因为自尊心很强所以无法忍受田冈教练的训斥而攻击教练,没有参加对湘北的练习赛。他的目标是在进攻时称为仙道的搭档,他有很高的射篮技术,拥有卓越的进攻能力,但防守能力却相当差劣。视仙道彰为劲敌。但防御能力薄弱。 他也对樱木花道的能力感兴趣,在比赛时是他的对手。 福田在一年级加入陵南高中篮球部时,是一个初学者。曾经不自量力地挑战队中的中锋鱼住纯。可是,田冈教练却看出福田是可造之材,因此对他的训练特别严苛,而且经常把他骂得狗血淋头。可是因此伤害了福田的自尊心,导致在一次比赛中伤害教练。因此,福田被陵南勒令退队。 不能代表陵南期间,福田一直渴望打篮球、比赛,那怕是有一个球场可以让他投篮、灌篮(在故事中,当时的日本没有太多街头篮球场)。因此,福田后来回归陵南篮球部,他对胜利的执著、专注力及为球队带来的士气,都是队中最强的。 他爱向对手挑战的古怪性格始终不变,曾对樱木花道挑战。虽然在进攻中战胜过樱木,可是篮板球及在关键时刻的破坏力,却被樱木比下去。在终场结束前9秒成功的阻挡了赤木的跳投,就在球弹出篮框准备抢篮板时,却被樱木以“再见灌篮”结束。 虽然福田的过关斩将能力极高,可是其中距离跳投却相对地逊色,这一点被防守他的三井寿看穿,导致球队一度被湘北抛离比分。 百度百科:
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