本篇文章给大家谈谈lille,以及lillehammer对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、lille评分公式 2、...
没关系。 队名:里尔(lille) 成立日期:1944年 所在城市:里尔 主场队服:红白上衣,蓝色球裤,蓝色球袜 主席:德扬·卢克 主教练:克罗德·普伊尔 主场:格雷蒙布莱斯·约雷斯体育场(21000人) 辉煌战绩 法国联赛冠军:2次(1946,1954) 法国杯赛冠军: 5次(1946, 1947, 1948, 1953, 1955) 上个赛季作为升班马,里尔着实在法甲火了一把。虽然联赛后期由于实力不济和经验匮乏,从第一一直跌落到了第五。但球迷还是认可了球队的表现。本赛季前,球队遇到了很多小球会在成功后都会遇到的问题,那就是优秀球员的流失。除了后防核心西冈远走阿森纳外,上赛季球队最佳射手巴卡里也转会到了朗斯。主教练普伊尔确实很有能力,但“巧妇难为无米之炊”,如何带领球队走出目前的困境,将是对他最大的考验。
歌手:Lisa Hannigan
专辑:Live From The Artists Den
Lisa Hannigan - Lille
He went to see for a day
He wanted to know what to say
when he asked what he'd done
in the past to someone
that he loved endlessly...
now she's gone, and so is he...
i went to war every morning
i lost my way, but now I'm following
what you said in my arms...
what i read in the charms
that i loved durably
now it's dead and gone, and i am free...
i went to sleep for the daytime
i shut my eyes to the sunshine
turned my head away from the noise
bruise and drip decay of childish toys
that i love arguably
all our labouring gone to seed
we went out to play for the evening
and wanted to hold on to the feeling
and the stretch in the sun
and the breathlessness as we run
to the beach endlessly
as the sun creeps up on the sea...