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Soko的《Speak Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Speak Up



Kristinia DeBarge - Speak Up

Speak up, your silence is killing me

I've had enough, baby speak up

Are you lovin' or hatin' me?

Cuz I can never tell

I'll be the first to admit it

Been silent for a minute

Thinking like damn is he feeling me

We fell in love took a second

But now I'm always checking

Cuz I never hear you say what you really think

Some days I feel it then I feel it's over

Some days were harder then some days were colder

When you open up, our love is alive

But now you're quiet and I'm dying inside

So baby speak up

Cuz your silence is killing me

I've had enough,

Baby speak up

Are you lovin' or hatin' me

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

Just let your heart say what you can't say (speak up)

Let your heart say what you won't say (speak up)

Don't let the silence tear us away

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

If you don't speak up

I don't know where you've been

But nothing's making sense,

I'm standing on this fence for you

And even when you're here,

Somehow you disappear

If I can read your mind, I'd know just what to do

Some days I feel it then I feel it's over

Some days were harder then some days were colder

When you open up, our love is alive

And now you're quiet and I'm dying inside

So baby speak up

Cuz your silence is killing me

I've had enough, baby speak up

Are you lovin' or hatin' me

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

Just let your heart say what you can't say (speak up)

Let your heart say what you won't say (speak up)

Don't let the silence tear us away

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

Speak up

I'll be out the door before the sun comes up

Boy catch me if you can while I'm pumping that clutch

(Try) Try to be the one, (I) gave it all I got

(I'm) Giving you your last chance (if you don't speak up)

Say all the words that you never said, oh

Write all the letters that I never read, oh

Show me your words or the love is dead

Just want to hear it from you

First to admit it,

Been silent for a minute

Thinking like damn is he feeling me

We fell in love, took a second

But you about to wreck it,

Cuz I never hear you say what you really mean

Baby speak up,

Cuz your silence is killing me (your silence is killin'me)

I've had enough, baby speak up

Are you lovin' or hatin' me

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

Just let your heart say what you can't say (speak up)

Let your heart say what you won't say (speak up)

Don't let the silence tear us away

Cuz I can never tell, I can never tell

Speak up

If you don't speak up

Open up your mouth cuz baby I'm listenin'


特地试用了2天,效果很好,跟朋友在超市买的比价格便宜多了,功能还比他的好呢!! 服务很好,还有短信提醒用法,很不错!!SOKO/索科唯一官方旗舰店:

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