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Tyrese Gibson(tyrese)

Tyrese Gibson(tyrese)

本篇文章给大家谈谈tyrese,以及Tyrese Gibson对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、Tyrese的《Hurry U...

本篇文章给大家谈谈tyrese,以及Tyrese Gibson对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


Tyrese的《Hurry Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurry Up


专辑:Alter Ego

Tyrese - Hurry Up

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so,

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so,

Girl Im feelin so alone by myself in this big home,

Wishin you were here with me,

Decided to try my luck, by callin you up,

Hopin you can take me up out this misery,

As time passed me by, I'm askin myself why,

Am i lyin by myself, this ain't good for my health,

Which all the more reasons that you should be, right here baby, right now baby,

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so,

I'm starin out my window, twittlin my toes,

Huffin and puffin cuz im bored,

Said it's been about an hour, think imma take a shower,

Couldn't fall asleep playin gameboy,

Im sick of lookin at the ceiling,i think i need a healin,

Callin on you, cuz u know what do,

Which all the more reasons u should be, right here baby right now

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so,

Said my doctor says that I,

That dont need to be alone (by myself),

I need someone to watch over me,

Said my problem could get worse,

If i stay at home (in this bed),

And your lying not next to me,

Said ur my medicine,

Which i will be here,

Girl this is an emergency,

Use a sense of urgency,

Please come see about me..(ohh)

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so

Hurry up and give your lovin to me,

Right now I need your body near me,

Girl you, need to, be right, here with me so,



泰瑞斯·吉布森(Tyrese Gibson),1978年12月30日出生于洛杉矶,美国影视演员、歌手。19岁时,泰瑞斯·吉布森发表了首张同名专辑。2000年他获得了美国音乐大奖灵魂乐/节奏蓝调类最受欢迎歌手奖。2001年,他在《妈妈的小男孩》中扮演约瑟夫·萨默斯一角让他获得黑人娱乐大奖最佳电影男演员奖提名。2003年,他出演的《速度与激情2》上映。2007年开始,他接连参演了《变形金刚》、《变形金刚2》和《变形金刚3》。2011年,他回归《速度与激情5》,再次饰演罗曼·皮尔斯。2013年5月24日,他出演的《速度与激情6》在北美上映。





卡通版变形金刚(the Transformers)是从1984年起至今美国孩之宝(Hasbro)公司与)公司合作开发的系列玩具和推出的系列动画片/影片的总称。但因为对动画片不甚了解的成年人的误解,在一定程度上广义地扩展到各种(能够变形的)机器人玩具和动画片。




外文名:Tyrese Gibson

别 名:Black Ty

国 籍:美国



职 业:演员 模特 歌星

身 高:179CM

血 型:A

星 座:摩羯座

上映时间 剧名 扮演角色 导演 合作演员

2013-05-24 速度与激情6 Roman Pearce 林诣彬 范·迪塞尔

2011-06-29 变形金刚3 Robert Epps 迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay

2011-04-29 速度与激情5 Roman Pearce 林诣彬 范·迪塞尔

2009-06-24 变形金刚2 Tech Sergeant Epps 迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay

2009 Luke Cage Luke Cage ---- ----

2008-08-21 死亡飞车 Machine Gun Joe Mason 保罗·安德森 杰森·斯坦森

2007-09-12 暴劫追缉 Adell Baldwin ---- ----

2007-07-03 变形金刚 USAF Master Sgt. Epps. 迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay

2006-04-28 齐腰深 O2 温迪·科蒂斯-豪 拉伦兹·泰特

2006-01-27 征服怒海 Cole 林诣彬 ----

2005-08-12 四兄弟 Angel Mercer ---- ----

2005 Phoenix Diaries ---- ---- ----

2004-12-17 凤凰劫 A.J. 罗伯特·奥尔德里奇 ----

2003-06-03 速度与激情2



读音:英 [træns'fɔ:məz]  美 [træns'fɔ:məz]

n.变压器( transformer的名词复数 );促使变化的(或人物),改革者


1、Transformers, are my heroes and my dreams.


2、In building the ultimate fan site for both the Lord of the rings and the transformers?



1、bumblebee 读音:英 [ˈbʌmblbi:]   美 [ˈbʌmbəlˌbi]  


复数: bumblebees

2、Optimus Prime 读音:['ɒptɪməs] [praɪm]


例句:I remember when I was a kid, my cousin had a Transformers toy which was an Optimus Prime.



读音:英 ['megətrɒn]   美 ['megətrɒn]


例句:Optimus prime: it's you and me, megatron.


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